Konzept Fotografie

Hong Kong 2047 – Urbanism and Surveillance

Speaking about “Extinction” is not only about physical matters but also on what is defining us as social humanity within an economical and legal system. Hong Kong is a unique because of its location as a door for both capitalism and communism world. With its history and its economic power, it was and is in the avant-garde and a laboratory of what will happen in the near future.

2047 is the expiration date of the Basic Law which currently is giving the status of special administrative region (SAR) of China for 50 years.


Yin Yang Ink Flows

“Movement and tranquility alternate and become the root of each other,
Separating into yin and yang and so establishing the two modes….
The interaction of the two forms of qi transform and generate the myriad things.
The myriad things sprout out up again and again and change without end”

-Zhou Dunyin (1017–1073)
He was a Chinese philosopher during the Song Dynasty.
He conceptualized the cosmology,


Balance of Chaos

The Greek etymology of the word
Chaos means a fracture or a gap. In mathematics, Chaos Theory studies the
behavior of systems that are very sensitive to initial conditions, a phenomenon
generally illustrated by “the butterfly effect”.

This term was used Edward Lorenz,
American mathematician and meteorologist to describe the theoretical basis of
weather and climate predictability, which is based on this idea that small
causes may have large effects in general.

Because the photographer assisted to a recent destruction of
colonial villa in Saigon which has survived for one hundred year of turmoil,


Tainted swim

This series combines black and white, color photography providing expressionist relationships between internal and external perceptions.

“Every life is born pure, and then it will be dirty and dirty, in the hands of others or sometimes by ourself .
I wonder why people have to bathe and shower so much?
Sometimes I want to be like fish swimming in a water tank to believe that my life will not be tainted.”


Series – Interior Feng Shui Landscapes

Landscape genre: “Landscape painting, the depiction of natural scenery in art. Landscape paintings may capture mountains, valleys, bodies of water, fields, forests, and coasts and may or may not include man-made structures as well as people. Although paintings from the earliest ancient and Classical periods included natural scenic elements, landscape as an independent genre did not emerge in the Western tradition until the Renaissance in the 16th century. In the Eastern tradition, the genre can be traced back to 4th-century-CE China.” – Britannica.


Sun Harmonics

The site of Hue was chosen for its particular properties meeting the requirements of geomancy (Feng Shui) for the establishment of the Nguyen dynasty in the early nineteenth century.

Successively , the emperors prepared and built their graves for their last journey into the afterlife.

The vital fluxes still shine through these funeral palaces whose arrangement scrupulously follows the esoteric rules.

On the site of the tomb of the Emperor Minh Mang where the art of the garden and palaces is at its edge,


Album – Silk Fan

This series highlights Confucian influences in the Vietnamese youth.
Portraits were taken at the cultural festival in the city of Hue, former imperial capital where scenes of mimes reconstituted the life in the Forbidden City. Models are wearing traditionnal ao dai dress.
Fans’ images are Chinese historical fan from the MET Archive.
The series uses the framing of drawings and paintings which is the common manner to see images on a wall or in a book.


Series – Reunification Dissolution

Photography is about questioning of what reality is and what is captured by the camera.
It is nowadays stimulated by the concept of « hyper-reality » defined by J. Beaudrillard.
It is the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.
This is particularly relevant nowadays where people accept created environments as primarily models, when they are actually all fake.
Video mapping can express the dissolution of the reality into a form that have any reference to the initial architecture.


Album – NetTubes Territories

Photography is about questioning of what reality is and what is captured by the camera.
It is nowadays stimulated by the concept of « hyper-reality » defined by J. Beaudrillard.
It is the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.
This is particularly relevant nowadays where people accept created environments as primarily models, when they are actually all fake.

Territories fade into entertainment parks, symbols of hyperreal powers.

