Fiction photos

Althought Fiction is not considered as a specific genre in Photography which is commonly associated with facts, artists have always used its possibilities for a creative narration. It is essentially based on characters portraits that are playing a short scene whose elements (lighting, location, objects) can suggest a dramatic situation
What is truly specific resides in the discontinuity of the story. This can lead to an ambiguous interpretation.
Cinema has also influenced the practice of the type of storytelling, especially in the aesthetical form which can be described by the expression of cinematic look.

In the Boutique

    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      The Lovers at Huỳnh Thủy Ancient House
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Abandoned Colonial House At Night - Cholon
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Modernist Building At Night- Cholon
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Colonial Ghost House - Cholon

In the Art Space

Located in Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam, the gallery is supporting this experimental form of narration, where image series are organised in a sequential layout.
