Phòng tranh Nhiếp ảnh

Chợ Lớn, những nhà máy giấc mơ

Hậu quả lịch sử của việc nhà Thanh lật đổ nhà Minh ở Trung Quốc vào thế kỷ 17 đã khiến những người trung thành với nhà Minh phải tìm nơi ẩn náu ở Đông Nam Á. Ở Việt Nam, những người Hoa nhập cư này đóng vai trò tiên phong trong cuộc “Tiến vào Nam”. Họ định cư ở Biên Hòa. Đến cuối thế kỷ 18, để thoát khỏi những cuộc thảm sát do quân Tây Sơn gây ra,


Reality show Dinh Độc Lập, biểu tượng hiện đại của Sài Gòn

Dinh Độc Lập, được hoàn thành vào năm 1966 bởi kiến trúc sư Ngô Viết Thụ, người đoạt giải Prix de Rome. Tổng thống Ngô Đình Diệm, người đã yêu cầu xây dựng chưa bao giờ sống ở nơi này. Nơi đã trở thành một bảo tàng kể từ ngày 30 tháng 4 năm 1975 khi xe tăng đâm vào cổng.

Được đổi tên thành Dinh Thống Nhất, hiện nay nơi đây là nơi tập trung tất cả các lễ hội,


Giải thích triển lãm XEM – Meta Far-East

Written by Dr Bridget Tracy Tan
Director, Institute of Southeast Asia Arts – Art Galleries
Academic Advisor (Southeast Asian Arts)
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

Cách chụp của Quang Lâm hoàn toàn xoay quanh sự chơi, nhưng nó cũng xoay quanh trách nhiệm. Anh muốn người xem ý thức về cách họ trải nghiệm những trải nghiệm của họ, về điều gì xảy ra thông qua những suy nghĩ họ nghĩ,


Review of the series “City of Hue, Architecture of Eternity”

By Prof. Steve Bisson, Paris College of Art
Chief editor Urbanautica Institute

The living conditions of the masses have not always coincided with an earthly Eden. Even today, this is the case if we observe urbanism and, in particular, the state of the suburbs or the metropolitan densities that leave little space for green dreams. A terrace is already a privilege. In its progressive urbanization, the human species has distanced itself from nature,


Biennale The Wrong 2023 – Project Air Skylen

The Art Project – Air Skylen is participating the Biennale The Wrong 6th Edition, within the Pavilion ANIMA “Directory”, curated by Tam Nguyen, with advisories from Mai Huyen Chi & Xuan Ha and support from Duyen Le and Lien Nguyen

Review of the Art Project Air Skylen

This text has been written by the curator Tam Nguyen for the catalog of the pavilion ANIMA “Directory”

“Air Skylen (2022) embodies Quang Lam’s long-term research into the development of the Vietnamese airline industry.


Meta Far-East – Immersive Sea Level Rising on Climate Change

Most of the countries in the Far East have coastlines. These territories will be affected by the sea level rising such as the megacities of Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, as it is written in the new study of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the University of La Rochelle in France and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States (NCAR).

By 2100, nearly 50 million people will face this higher than expected rise in sea levels.


XEM Collective Exhibition – Meta Far-East Asia

The main idea of the Quang Lam’s work in this exhibition is to explore the concept of the Far-East Asia in which Saigon and Singapore were essential nodes for its representation.

From wikipedia about: 

“The term first came into use in European geopolitical discourse in the 15th century, particularly the British, denoting the Far East as the “farthest” of the three “Easts”, beyond the Near East and the Middle East.[..] Significantly,


Review of the series Air Skyliners Crashes

This series has been displayed at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) with the XEM collective

Excerpt for the presentation text by curator Lyno Vuth

“In the exhibition, physical works by each of the five artists take forms extending from their presentation in the magazine. The works presented here by XEM deal with not only what separates us but also what bonds and unites us. The very same things can produce multiple complex effects.


Review of the series Hong Kong 2047


by Steve Bisson

«True rebellion is what calls into question the preconstituted order, not that it neglects it in favor of a permanently anarchic or hedonistic immaturity.»

In Quang Lam’s recent series ‘Hong Kong 2047’ the photographer alternates some vertical portraits of grotesque skyscrapers, depicted almost as if they were totems, with close-up images of remote control and surveillance systems. The cold linear,


Gợi ý trong cửa hàng

    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Abandoned Colonial House At Night - Cholon
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Modernist Building At Night- Cholon
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Colonial Ghost House - Cholon
    • Fine art photo print New Catalog 2024
      Modernist spirit (of the Independence Palace)
#Saigon #Vietnam-War #Reenactment

Review of the series R like …

The texte has been written by Blanche CARDONER (Ecole du Louvre)
in her study – Contemporary photography Vietnamese and memory, Selection of works by contemporary Vietnamese artists or the diaspora working on their History

Manifestations and reminiscences of History: Quang Lam, R Like (2012 – 2015)

Quang Lam, on the contrary, is interested in a space highly representative of Vietnamese history in R Like… (2012 – 2015). The series may also be titled Reunification’s Reminiscence.

