Archives Photographie

Air Vietnam – News in the 70s

Nguyen Tan Trung, president of Air Vietnam, has been named chairman of the Board of Directors of the Republic of Vietnam flag carrier. His nomination by board members to the post, which has traditionally been held by a cabinet minister, has been approved by the Vietnamese Government.

Calling 1974 ‘‘a year of challenge for everyone in the
airline business,” Mr. Nguyen Tan Trung said he was persuaded to accept the
additional responsibility with Air Vietnam in consideration of the national
interest and in view of the prospects of the development of the company.


Origine du chant Hue à la court d’Annam

Ce texte est issu du livre Mémoires de Son Excellence Huynh Con dit Đan Tường de Jean-Jacnal écrit en 1924.
Cette biographie d’un ancien ministre des Rites à la Cour d’Annam contient des détails historiques sur sa vie et présente une description intéressante de la musique à la Cour.

“Toutes les nuits, nous faisions venir des chanteuses. On
a si peu écrit sur cette catégorie de personnes que sans doute on me permettra de
donner quelques détails sur leur vie,


Air Vietnam – The untold history, 1951-1975

These exclusive documents (text, images) of Air Vietnam are part of our collected archives. They fill the gap in the official narrative of Vietnamese Aviation.
Displayed as ready-made in the exhibition Air Skylen, these archives show how it was critical for the country to own its airlines in the decolonisation process defining hence its new and modern identity.

Note by the author NGUYÊN MẠNH CUNG
This article was written according to the documents of Mr.

